The Ganesh Chathurthi celebrations have started in the state. Devotees who have set up idols in are performing special pujas. Meanwhile, Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations were held grandly at YSRCP central office in Tadepalli. MP Vijayasai Reddy, Minister Jogi Ramesh, MLCs Lella Appireddy, Janga Krishnamurthy, Chairperson of the Women’s Commission Vasireddy Padma were present.
Speaking on this occasion, Vijayasai Reddy wished for the blessings of Lord Ganesha for the development of the state without obstacles. Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy wished all the people of the state on Vinayaka Chathurthi.
On the other hand, Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations are being held with grandeur all over Vijayawada. Since morning, the streets were crowded with people buying pooja materials and papers. The devotees are showing passion to worship clay Ganapati idols this time.