Redmi Pad has been launched in India. The first tablet from Redmi comes with an introductory price of Rs 12999 for the base model of 3GB RAM + 64GB storage. The tablet comes in three variants, and all of these models will be available for purchase starting tomorrow, October 5, at, Mi Homes, Flipkart and all of our retail partners. If you want to get the top-end model (6GB RAM + 128GB storage), it will be available exclusively on from 10 am October 5.
With the Redmi Pad, the company targets gamers, multitaskers, movie buffs and everyone who consumes a lot of content on the Internet. Some of the primary features of the Redmi Pad include a 90Hz screen refresh rate, MediaTek Helio G99 SoC, up to 6GB of RAM and 128GB of internal storage, an 8000mAh battery, and 18W fast charging support.
The Redmi tablet will be available tomorrow on, Mi Homes, Flipkart and all our retail partners. The 6GB + 128GB (mint green) variant will be available exclusively on starting at 10 am starting tomorrow, October 5. As part of the introductory offer, Redmi has partnered with Bank of Baroda to offer an additional 10 per cent bank discount exclusively on from October 5-9.
Redmi Pad: Specifications
1. Redmi Pad comes with a 10.61-inch display that supports a 90Hz screen refresh rate, a first for a tablet in this price segment. The tablet also comes with support for Widevine L1 certification. It includes an 8-megapixel front camera for video calls.
2. The device is powered by MediaTek Helio G99 chipset with support for 6GB RAM and 128GB internal storage. In addition, there is expandable storage support of up to 1TB. It also includes dual-bank WiFi 5 support, Bluetooth 5.3, dual microphones, third-party pen support, and a built-in document speaker.
3. The tablet runs on MIUI 13 based on Android 12 out of the box. The Redmi Pad offers a variety of valuable features, including a split screen, floating windows, multi-window support, reading mode, and more. Redmi has confirmed three years of security updates, 2 Android versions and MIUI updates in three years for the tablet. Redmi Pad also comes with two months of free YouTube Premium,
4. The Redmi Pad is backed by an 8000mAh battery with support for 18W fast charging. A 22.5W fast charger is in the box. Redmi claims that the tablet can deliver more than 21 hours of playback video, more than 12 hours of gameplay and more than eight days of music playback.
5. The Redmi tablet comes in three colours: Graphite Gray, Moonlight Silver, and Mint Green.
Redmi Pad: Price and availability in India
The Redmi Pad comes in three variants:
– The entry-level 3GB RAM + 64GB storage model has an introductory price of Rs 12,999.
– 4GB RAM + 128GB storage will initially be available at an introductory price of Rs 14999.
– The top-end model of the Redmi Pad has an introductory price of Rs 19,999.