The South Central Railway has given good news to the devotees going to Tirumala Darshan and announced two special trains for passengers of Telugu states on August 31 and September 1. These special trains will run between Secunderabad – Tirupati – Secunderabad. The South Central Railway said that these trains will be run in view of the rush of passengers and Vinayaka Chathurthi festival.
Special Train (No. 07120) will leave Secunderabad at 6.15 PM on 31st August (Wednesday) and reach Tirupati Railway Station at 08.45 AM the next day. From there, special train (No. 07121) will leave Tirupati on 1st September (Thursday) at 9.10 pm and reach Secunderabad at 09.30 am the next day.
These special trains have sleeper, 3AC, 2AC and general coaches and will stop at Begumpet, Vikarabad, Tandoor, Raichur, Mantralayam Road, Guntakal, Tadipatri, Erraguntla, Kadapa and Renigunta railway stations.