Telangana govt. hikes Vijaya Diary Milk procurement prices
Telangana govt. hikes Vijaya Diary Milk procurement prices
Telangana government has given good news to Vijaya dairy farmers. The government has taken a decision to increase the procurement price of dairy milk. An awareness conference of dairy farmers was held at Rajendranagar. State Animal Husbandry Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav participated in the conference.
On this occasion, the Minister gave good news to the dairy farmers. He announced that the price of milk collection will be increased and stated that the price of buffalo milk has been increased from Rs.46.69 to Rs.49.40 per liter. The minister said that the price of cow’s milk is being increased from Rs.33.75 to Rs.38.75.
He said that the government will support the dairy farmers and provide free medicines and medical services to the dairy buffaloes. He said that Vijaya Dairy, which was in loss, turned into profit after the formation of Telangana.