The Telangana government has made an important announcement on the Diwali holiday giving clarity to the students and employees and declared a holiday on the 24th (Monday) of this month. Meanwhile, the order states that the holiday has been changed from 25th to 24th as the priests decided to celebrate Diwali on 24th. It has been clarified that the same thing is included in Panchangas also.
Generally, it is customary to celebrate the Diwali festival on the new moon day of Ashwayuja month. As Amavasya is on the 25th in the calendars, the festival is believed to be on the same day. But, the priests make it clear that Diwali falls on the 24th, not the 25th.
The priests stated that Diwali should be held on the same day as the evening of the 24th is considered Amavasya. It is said that Dhana Lakshmi Puja should also be performed on the same day.