The Andhra Pradesh High Court expressed its anger against the petitioners in the ‘Ippatam’ case and imposed a fine on each of the petitioners who went to the High Court against the removal of illegal constructions in Ipptam village of Tadepalli mandal of Guntur district.
The court imposed a fine of 14 lakhs on 14 people for misleading the court and getting a stay on the demolition of houses saying that the notices were not issued despite being served notices
Meanwhile, the owners who approached the High Court alleging that the houses were being demolished without giving show cause notices, finally reported the fact to the High Court. The lawyer on behalf of the house owners admitted before the High Court that the authorities had given show cause notices to which the High Court got angry with them and asked them to explain why action should not be taken under contempt of the criminal court. The court directed the petitioners to appear before the court and imposed a fine.