Responding to the Bharat Rashtra Samithi, YSR Congress Party General Secretary Sajjala Ramakrishna Reddy said that he would welcome the new parties in democracy and opined that any party can increase their arena and make changes to their existing parties. He said it would be good if parties come with policy issues on people’s Welfare and development of the state. However, he said that there is no need for them to analyse the arrival of new parties. Sajjala made it clear that YSRCP will work for people and do politics only for the welfare of the people and no intention to do filthy politics.
Speaking about the criticism from the neighbouring state, Sajjala Ramakrishna Reddy said that he can’t understand why the leaders of ruling party are spewing venom on YSRCP government ignoring the problems of their state.vhe said they are committed to the development and welfare of the Andhra Pradesh people and least bothered about criticism from other states.
On the other hand, Sajjala Ramakrishna Reddy said that promises made before the elections should be sacred and should be implemented 100 percent. He said that before preparing the manifesto, the political parties should consider consider the feasibility. Adding that the YSRCP government has fulfilled more than 98 percent promises, he criticised Chandrababu making the people suffer by making false promises.