Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy will tour East Godavari district on Friday and lay foundation stone of Assago Industrial Private Limited (Ethanol) industry at Gummalladoddi, Gokavaram mandal. To this extent, the CM’s official visit schedule has been released.
YS Jagan Mohan Reddy will reach the helipad by road from the CM’s residence in Tadepalli at 9.30 am on Friday and will take off from Tadepalli at 9.35 and reach the helipad at Gummalladoddi village, Gokavaram mandal, East Godavari district at 10.30. After that, he will leave from there by road and reach the venue set up by Assago Industrial Private Limited at 10.40 am.
From 10.45 to 11.40 hours they will participate in the foundation laying ceremony and will leave from the venue at 11.45 and reach Gummaladodi Helipad by road at 11.50. At 12.10 pm they will take off in a helicopter and reach the CM’s residence in Tadepalli at 1.10 pm.