Hyderabad: IT and Industries Minister KT Rama Rao on Wednesday inaugurated the facility of Bosch Global Software Technologies at Raidurgam in Hyderabad. The 1.5 lakh sq ft facility will accommodate 3,000 employees and the company currently has about 1,400 employees. It will focus on artificial intelligence, e-mobility, internet of things, safety and other aspects.
Speaking at the inaugural ceremony, the Minister said Telangana is setting up Mobility Valley in the State and will have multiple stakeholders like the EV manufacturers, batter makers, recyclers and others in the ecosystem. It will have designated zones for engineering, battery testing, manufacturing, innovation and talent. As part of its efforts to give a push to electric vehicles, Hyderabad will host its first ever Formula E race in the second week of February next year. The State also drew up plans to host EV Week and EV Summit in Hyderabad to bring EV stakeholders together, he said.
Seeing the proactive policies of Telangana, noted battery maker Amara Raja Batteries has committed to invest about about Rs 9,500 crore in Mahabubnagar in the State, the Minister said.
Rama Rao said that many multinational companies make conservative plans with recruitment numbers.
However, they recruit more due to the conducive business atmosphere and availability of manpower here. Bosch was also planning to set up a Centre of Excellence together with BITS. TS was in advanced discussions in this regard. This would foster design thinking, he said.
Telangana has attracted many investments in the past eight years and players like ZF, Fisker, Stellantis, Hyundai, Uber, Qualcomm, Amazon, Apple and others have set up large operations in Hyderabad. Many large companies also have their second largest campuses in Hyderabad.
Home grown companies like Mahindra, Mytrah, RaceEnergy and others were present in Hyderabad. Novartis moved to Hyderabad about a decade ago with about 400 employees and has now grown to 9,000 employees.
IT exports from Telangana were Rs 57,000 crore when the State came into being and they have now crossed Rs 1.83 lakh crore. The State last year created one job in every three IT jobs created across the country as Telangana created 1,50,000 jobs out of the Rs 4,50,000 jobs created across the country, Rama Rao said.
The new campus in Hyderabad to aims to strenghten software centric innovation, said Kiran Sundara Raman, Vice President, Center Head – Hyderabad, Bosch Global Software Technologies.
“With strong focus on Research & Development, BGSW has a strong global footprint and wants to leverage the world class talent market of Hyderabad and Telangana for engineering and digital business to build a strong global delivery network. Our local presence in Hyderabad will help us in strengthening our relationship with existing and new customers in the region, ” he said.
BGSW has two facilities already operational with about 1,500 associates in Hyderabad. It will consolidate the operations by moving into the new facility, and plan to build the workforce talent in automotive engineering and digital enterprise, he said.