Telangana Chief Election Officer Vikas Raj revealed that the polling of the by-elections is going on calmly. He advised voters to exercise their right to vote responsibly. He said that so far 28 complaints have been received regarding the by-elections and cash was seized at two places.
The CEO said that he had spoken to the EC on the complaint of Congress candidate Palvai Sravanti that false propaganda is being spread on her. He stated that the investigation will be conducted through the social media links where the complaint was received and asserted that there was a small clash between two communities in Marriguda.
Similarly, the CEO said that the problem of EVMs had arisen at three places in Munugode and explained that EVM problems are being rectified from time to time.
He said that in the background of the by-election, the complaints of the presence of non-locals in the constituency and the display of signs at the polling stations are being investigated and action will be taken. The police said that so far 42 non-locals have been identified and deported.