A young man was super by cyber criminals after he had booked a text book in e-commerce website in Kotabommali of Srikakulam district. The incident which took place last month came to light on Thursday. According to Kotabommali Sub Inspector Sheikh Khader Basha, Aravelli Pradeep of Chinnabammidi Panchayat in Subbaraopet mandal in Srikakulam has mandal paid Rs. 200 on an online website and booked the micro controller course book related to engineering.
Later, within 30 minutes, cybercriminals stole Rs.1,04,320 from his bank account.
The victim lodged a complaint with the Cybercrime Vijayawada police through the number 1930 after receiving a message on his cell phone about cash debit. They immediately responded and blocked the bank account.
The Cyber crime police informed the Kotabommali police on Thursday to send FIR in the complaint lodged by the victim. On this occasion, the sub inspector said that justice will be done to the victim and advised the people to be alert before booking the items online.