The MLC Challa Bhagiratha Reddy (46) passed away on Wednesday after battling with pneumonia for some time. It is known that he is being treated on a ventilator for the last two days. However, his condition deteriorated and he passed away on Wednesday while undergoing treatment at a private hospital in Hyderabad. His last rites are likely to be held in Avuku on Thursday.
Meanwhile, Bhagiratha Reddy served as the district president of the Youth Congress from 2003 to 2009. Between 2007-08, he worked as the secretary of the All India Youth Congress. In 2019, he joined YSRCP in the presence of YS Jagan Mohan Reddy along with his father.
After the death of Challa Ramakrishna Reddy, his second son Bhagiratha Reddy got a chance to become an MLC under MLA quota.