WhatsApp offers a lock feature to offer extra security for Android and iOS users. Users can unlock the app using their fingerprint on their Android smartphones or Face ID or Touch ID on iPhones. And now, the meta-owned app plans to bring this security feature to the WhatsApp desktop.
A WABetaInfo report shares that the popular messaging platform is working on a new feature that will enable users to protect the WhatsApp desktop app by setting a password. In addition, a screen lock for the desktop will provide extra security to the app in case the laptop or PC is left unattended to prevent unauthorized access to chats. The lock screen feature for WhatsApp desktop is currently in development and released to some beta testers soon.
Notably, WhatsApp will keep the optional lock screen feature for desktop users, just like the Android and iOS versions. In addition, the messaging app will also allow users to reset or change their screen password if someone forgets it. To reset the password, you had to sign out of the WhatsApp desktop app and sign in again by linking your device with the QR code.
WhatsApp launches Companion mode for Android beta
Meanwhile, WhatsApp is rolling out Companion mode for some Android beta testers. The new update was released with WhatsApp beta for Android, allowing users to link their existing WhatsApp account to another Android smartphone and tablet. WhatsApp will now allow users to connect up to four devices simultaneously.
To use the companion feature, go to WhatsApp settings and tap ‘Linked devices’. Then, use the automatically generated QR code to connect the second device to your WhatsApp account. Like WhatsApp Desktop, the app will sync chat history and other data to the linked secondary device. Companion mode is currently in beta, and many features, such as live location and stream list management, will not be available. WhatsApp will soon roll out the feature to everyone with its future updates.